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Berry Middle School


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Mission Statement

Our mission at Berry Middle School is to teach students concepts, skills, and thinking processes to meet challenges of a changing society while fostering positive social and emotional growth.

Therefore, the vision of Berry Middle School is to be:


Caring and Supportive
Challenging and Engaging
Innovative and Relevant

The following foundational belief statements, collectively adopted by Berry faculty and staff, best describe our school’s commitment to providing the best possible educational environment for all students:




The students, faculty, and parents share collaborative effort for the success of each student.
The learning process is strengthened when the faculty and students are organized into a variety of teams which provide comprehensive and dynamic instruction and foster social and emotional interaction.
Students benefit from transition programs throughout the middle school experience which focus on creating a successful change of schools, both from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school.
Berry Middle School is committed to a safe and healthy environment which is achieved through extensive planning and implementing of sound health and security practices.
Berry Middle School is dedicated to keeping open lines of communication with parents, students, and other educational professionals.
Berry Middle School supports the foundational building blocks of the middle school philosophy and the unique developmental needs of middle grade students. 





Berry Middle School is committed to highest expectations for ourselves and our students.
Learning occurs when teachers employ varied instructional strategies for each unique learner and allow students to become actively engaged in the learning process.
Berry Middle School routinely utilizes standardized tests scores as a means of monitoring student progress as well as closing the achievement gap.
Student learning is maximized through enrichment and reinforcement for all students through the process of differentiation.  By applying this teaching methodology daily, Berry faculty members work toward closing the achievement gap and ensuring the success of all students.





Berry Middle School is a multi-cultural community that actively cultivates and strengthens community relationships through the acknowledgement and appreciation of student diversity
Excellent character and citizenship are both taught and modeled.  Students develop good physical surroundings of the school and community.
Incorporation of the most current technology into the classroom provides students with both research capabilities and real world skills.
Berry Middle School is committed to continued professional development in which faculty and staff are instructed in the most recent and effective educational trends and practices.
As described, Berry Middle School embodies middle school philosophy in every way: interdisciplinary teaming structure, master schedule, common teacher and team planning times, cross-curricular content unit teaching, adolescent-centered extra-curriculars, teams, and clubs, and strong advisory programs.  Berry is a true “middle school” by every philosophical measure and belief, and is dedicated to the belief that the middle school concept is most appropriate developmental educational setting for adolescents. The curriculum and instruction offered to the students at Berry is characterized by child-centeredness and developmental needs-based scope and sequencing.  Pacing guides developed from state course of study documents by district level curricular teams dictate content, pace, and sequencing. Berry Middle School department facilitators (department heads) regularly meet with the principal, and discuss specific curricular issues relating to content, skills, and thinking processes.