Berry Attendance Cheat Sheet
Use this link for Hoover City Schools District Attendance policies
Please email bmsattendance@hoover.k12.al.us or call (205) 439-2000 concerning any attendance issues.
Nine (9) total excused absences per year and nine (9) total excused check ins/check outs per semester is the maximum number of parent notes that can be excused. Each case will be evaluated on an individual basis. Illness, when supported by a physician verification, may be considered as a mitigating circumstance.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
Any reason not listed above is considered ‘unexcused’ – such as car trouble, family emergency, personal, or travel.
When a student returns, the parent must provide in writing within three (3) days of the student’s return to school an excuse which includes the following:
If absence is due to a medical visit, a signed note from the physician’s office is required.
Anticipated Absence form
Click on the link above to submit an Anticipated Absence form. Hoover City School's attendance policy is below.
Hoover City School District Attendance Policies