Berry Attendance Cheat Sheet
use this link for Hoover City Schools District Attendance policies
Please email bmsattendance@hoover.k12.al.us or call (205) 439-2000 concerning any attendance issues.
Nine (9) total excused absences per year and nine (9) total excused check ins/check outs per semester is the maximum number of parent notes that can be excused. Each case will be evaluated on an individual basis. Illness, when supported by a physician verification, may be considered as a mitigating circumstance.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
Any reason not listed above is considered ‘unexcused’ – such as car trouble, family emergency, personal, or travel.
When a student returns, the parent must provide in writing within three (3) days of the student’s return to school an excuse which includes the following:
If absence is due to a medical visit, a signed note from the physician’s office is required.
Click on the link above to submit an Anticipated Absence form. Hoover City School's attendance policy is below.